Ignore the shirts and this picture is rather nice. |
I'm sad. I am saddened. I'm saddened because so many people give in to hate. They let it corrupt them to the point where even a word spoken to them in kindness is taken as an attack, and they respond violently in turn. They let their hate blind them to anything but the focus of their hatred and it poisons everything they do.
They are fanatical in their hatred, and like any fanatic they can find any number of reasons to justify their fanaticism. They claim the truth led them to their "belief" but in truth it is their hatred that led them to their "truth".
From 79Gaulish
"Going by Mr. C's logic logic, if you're being raped, love the rapist until your love overtakes the rapist and the rapist comes to understand the inhumanity of rape. That goes for murderers, too. Excellent logic. I now understand you. When you are under attack, don't fight back. Show love! Wow. Brilliant. Take your nonsensical bullshit and feed it to the birds. We are under attack, whether over or covert. Our future is at stake. Take your foolishness elsewhere."
A better man than I. |
I did speak of love in my posts but contrary to 79's post I wasn't speaking of pacifism. Although I admire figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Ghandi I can't say that I could react like they might have when faced with violence, in fact I make an admission in a comment that came before the above comment,
"...I have faced this very same hatred before for being the child of a mixed union. I know what it is like to face violent hatred, forgive and walk away, I also know what it is like to face that same hatred and have to fight."
We could say that perhaps 79gaulish didn't catch that part of my post, but how could he miss it when he responded to every one of my comments within minutes of my posting them? Perhaps he did miss it, or perhaps he chose to ignore what I had said because it simply doesn't fit into how he feels about me. However perhaps some other comments of his will clear up this confusion.
From 79Gaulish
"It would surprise me none if you are a Muslim in disguise. If you aren't a Muslim pretending to be a non-Muslim, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being."
Well that clears it up, he obviously doesn't like me very much. Still let us give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that 79Gaulish just misinterpreted my message of love. So we will take a look at two other things that 79Gaulish had to say.
I said I want a Big Turk, not that I am one! |
From 79Gaulish
"Take lessons in rational thought. Maybe then you'll truly understand the meaning of love. I think I have you pegged. You're from a Muslim family, but you're no longer a Muslim in the belief sense. But you relate to Muslims because you have family who are Muslim, so it only makes sense as to why you would defend that evil ideology. From one of your posts, I'm going to guess you're a Turk. Probably in the U.S. Either way, you're only fooling yourself about Islam. "Denial"."
"It's not a religion, but a political system. The intent of Islam is to bring the world under its rule. Anyone, including yourself, that claims otherwise is either ignorant of the facts or engaged in taqiyya. I have no doubt you are Muslim in some way."
According to this man believing that love and understanding are more desirable than war and hatred, is far less rational than jumping to the wild conclusion that the person you are talking to is a terrorist sleeper agent out to destroy your freedom. Simply because he disagrees with you. Holy shit, mind blown. Oh in case you didn't know taqiyya is basically a safe word clause in Islam where by an adherent can pretend to not be Muslim if he or she in danger because he or she is Muslim. So yeah he believes I'm a Muslim, in disguise. To this charge I responded,
Bacon is my naughty, smokey Mistress. Sorry Lei Lei. |
"If I am a Muslim in some way then I can tell you that I'm not aware of it. And I've loved bacon since the day I was born, so this whole bacon love affair thing isn't a cover up."
If you can't reason with them, crack a joke. Unfortunetly this wasn't the end of the accusations, another user Bravo21 took up the cause known as personally insulting attacking Mr.C.
"Your name sez it all really...and your psycho-babble, ignorance of the Bible and denial of Islam Today & current events is laughable. I suppose your Pompous-Poser schtick goes over well with the latte sucking losers your surround yourself with, but to those of us who have lived and worked in the middle east, your self-absorbed mumblings is understood for the utter bullshit it is, and rightfully scorned. Simply put, You have no fucking idea what you are talking about."
Once again sometimes you just need to joke.
"...They don't suck lattes they prefer coffee black, I'm the latte drinker."
Unfortunately I go off and do something stupid like mention how I would actually feel safe in a country that was primarily Muslim, a country like Turkey (whose government has a secular mandate).
"Agreed...its all Taqiyya, psycho-babble, and shallow self serving garbage masquerading as wisdom. When ever I hear anyone spouting this crap, I check my wallet.
Islam is a cult of submission and slavery...Freedom is something they simply do not understand."
William Wallace is wondering why I hate freedom. |
"I dont' think "turk" here is too sanguine with our freedom to hate, especially evil things. Why does't s/he love freedom? S/he's here trying to "fix" us and our love of freedom. Hmmm Notice how muslims have a HUGE problem with the founding principle of our country, which is that the INDlVIDUAL is sovereign. This is utterly anathema to islam (theo-totalitarianism.) I can see why this turk poster has a problem with our freedoms & the foundational principle they're based on."
Because I don't believe in freedom in the exact sense that Bravo21 believes, I am a Muslim Turk and I hate freedom. According to him as well speaking out against hatred is a violent attempt at "fixing" all the people on the comments board. I wouldn't "fix" them even if I could, it is up to each of us to grow and better ourselves and no one can do it for us, the most they can do is point us in the right direction. I'd also like to spend time to point out the hypocrisy between what Bravo21 says and what he clearly believes about wiping out Islam, but to most it should be pretty obvious.
Now I have a lot more material than this, hours worth of hate filled rants, but quite frankly I've burdened you enough with far too much negativity. So these will be the last two comments I will post and I promise we will end on a high note so hang in there.
"You are without a doubt ignorant of the facts. You vomit moral equivalency. You are truly deaf, dumb, and blind, and I feel sorry for you. As I've explained in my other posts, there are two types of Muslims. There is the aggressive, who further Islamic expansion through violence. Then there is the passive-aggressive, who further the expansion by infiltrating your communities, academia, and government. But all share one goal - to bring the world under the rule of Islam."
According to this user their are only two types of Muslims, those who convert by force and those who
This man, his wive, and his children are clearly terrorists. |
covertly convert. Their is no in between, no other option, if you are Muslim this is what you are. You are nothing more than an enemy to be converted or killed. Well then I have to say I feel bad for this fine and funny example of a human being. Oh yeah and this man who I consider to be a beacon of journalistic integrity. Funny thing about absolutes is that when even two, or forty, or millions of examples pop up that stand contrary to your absolute, it kinda gets thrown in the trash.
I'd also like to note that the use of the term moral equivalency is actually incorrect. Moral equivalency is the belief that ones side is by definition morally superior by who they are, not by what they do. Then there is the selective use of history to cast the situation as a big-picture struggle against an evil power. Then comes the justification of atrocities of their own side by claiming it to be a lesser evil compared with allowing the evil power to have its own way. Thus any atrocities in this way become acts of good, not evil, like book burning. In short, pot meet kettle.
"No Muslim can make a decision different from their faith under a Muslim establishment. You're trying to feed bullshit to a lion. It ain't going to work, pal. Feed that stuff to fools who'll eat up anything. Islam is evil. It's not a religion, but a political system. The intent of Islam is to bring the world under its rule. Anyone, including yourself, that claims otherwise is either ignorant of the facts or engaged in taqiyya. I have no doubt you are Muslim in some way."
The military is a very stringent establishment as well, one in which violation of given orders can lead to life in prison or execution. Yet people disobey the orders of their superiors in the belief that those orders violate the very fundamental principles that their organization represent, I imagine it happens more than we think. That's because all human beings are capable of making their own decisions, joining the military or a religion doesn't turn this off. This has to be true otherwise how could we have ever had the Reformation? The Renaissance? The French Revolution? People are capable of dissent, regardless of how stringent their belief structure may be. To deny that Muslims can't do this in regards to Islam is to deny human nature.
There is this little voice in the corner of the mind that tells us, what if they are right? And when that little voice speaks we need to be able to look at what is behind that voice, it's ignorance, fear, hatred, and despair. It is all the things that these fanatics have surrendered to. So we need to hush that voice and do as a good friend of mine said, we need to remember that we have no excuse not to love and support our fellow human beings.
And now for the high note,
I want one. |